
Showing posts from September, 2024

Harvoni (Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir)

Harvoni is a revolutionary medication used to treat chronic hepatitis C infection. It is a combination drug comprising ledipasvir and sofosbuvir, developed by Gilead Sciences.  Poison 15 ml Harvoni offers a potent and highly effective treatment regimen that targets the hepatitis C virus at its core, inhibiting its replication and allowing the body’s immune system to clear the infection. This once-daily oral therapy has a remarkable cure rate and is well-tolerated, even by patients with advanced liver disease.  HARVONI is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with chronic (lasting a long time) hepatitis C (Hep C) genotype (GT) 1, 4, 5 or 6 infection with or without cirrhosis (compensated). In those with GT 1 and advanced cirrhosis (decompensated) or with GT 1 or 4 with or without cirrhosis (compensated) who have had a liver transplant, HARVONI is used with ribavirin.  Ma rquis Paste Is It Possible To Buy Harvoni Online? Yes, licensed medical practitioners may recommend you  buy H

Phenylarthrite Anti-inflammatory For Dogs

  Phenylarthrite injection phenylbutazone bute is used for the treatment of inflammation, pain and fever, particularl in the case of muscoskeletal disorders, congestive processes or inflammatory complications following traumatic of infectious affections. Hidro-Pen 100ml Phenylarthrite 100ml Composition Each 100 ml contains: Phenylbutazone —————– 18.00 g Dexamethasone —————- 35.00 mg Vehicle ————————- 100 mL Phenylbutazone 200 mg/ml Phenylarthrite Benefits • Enhancement of the anti-inflammatory effects of the combination of phenylbutazone with dexamethasone. • The only combination of phenylbutazone with dexamethasone on the market. Phenylarthrite Dosage and administration Arthritis, tendonitis, joint- and muscle rheumatism, hyperthermia, inflammations caused by trauma or bacteria.Dosage and administration Horses: I.V.: inject slowly 20 ml daily or every other day, depending on the severity of the disorder. I.M.: inject deeply 20 to 30 ml on day 1. 20 ml on day 2. 10 ml the following 1

Baytril 50mg Tablets For Animal Use

Baytril tablets is an antibacterial agent developed specifically for veterinary medicine, belonging to the group of quinolones derived from carboxylic acid. Due to its mechanism of action, it is referred to as a gyrase inhibitor. The spectrum of baytril covers gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as mycoplasmas and pseudomonas. Due to its special mechanism of action, it does not present cross-resistance with antibacterial agents of other classes, nor does it generate resistance. It is indicated for administration in dogs and cats with bacterial infectious problems of the digestive, respiratory, genitourinary, skin, external auditory canal, infected wounds and septicemia systems. It is rapidly and almost completely absorbed after oral administration. Serum concentrations are similar after both oral and parenteral administration. Absorption is not adversely influenced by simultaneous ingestion of food. The ability to penetrate tissues is superior to other bacterial agents;

RPM Drosta 10ml For Horses

  RPM Drosta 10ml injection has anti-estrogenic characteristics with little hepatotoxicity and practically zero fluid retention. These anti-estrogenic characteristics make it a safe drug with almost no side effects such as gynecomastia and high blood pressure. MECHANISM OF ACTION The mechanism of action of DROSTANOLONE is based on the following principles: It works by promoting the increase in strength and muscle mass through various physiological mechanisms by increasing nitrogen retention. It is myotropic as it acts in the cytoplasm of the muscle cell, it promotes the release of the alpha reductase enzyme in the nucleus, allowing RNA to take advantage of amino acids and proteins (nitrogen) from the diet to transform them into muscle tissue . Likewise, it has the action of retaining calcium, phosphorus, potassium and chlorides. This action contributes to a greater development of the bones, also constituting a growth factor, as long as the recommended dosages are maintained. These con

Ascorbol Plus For Roosters

  Ascorbol plus recommended for high-register and ornamental cocks that require maximum energy, greater resistance and speed. Increases and maximizes physical and blood vessel resistance. Dose: High-registration and ornamental roosters: 1 tablet per day for 20 days prior to exhibition. Stallions and breeding stock: 1 tablet every 30 days. On the recommendation of the Veterinarian. Ascorbol Plus For Roosters Route of administration: Oral. Formula: Vitamin A 5,000 IU Vitamin B1 3 mg Vitamin B2 2 mg Vitamin B3 20 mg Vitamin B6 0.5 mg Vitamin B12 1 mg Vitamin C 37.5 mg Vitamin D3 1,000 IU Troxerutin 3 mg Calcium glycerophosphate 10 mg Calcium pantothenate 5 mg Excipient, qs 1 tablet. Warnings: Store in a cool, dry place, protected from direct sunlight and heat sources at a temperature between 15 and 30°C. Keep out of reach of children and pets . Ascorbol Plus For Roosters Product for veterinary use only. Other Veterinary Supplement Includes: Darbe-500 5ml Today (Cephaperin Sodium) Draxxi